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IT Center of the Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns

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Mobilisation of data for GFBio services - Bacterial Descriptions Use Case


The description of five comprehensively annotated bacterial strains have been imported into the DiversityDescriptions in the course of the project GFBio (www.gfbio.org). The purpose of this mobilization is the availability of taxon-related descriptive information for the GFBio data portal following various standard schemas, e.g. SDD, Delta for the test and development of data pipelines and work flows.
The data has been manually annotated out of species descriptions derived by results of recently completed and ongoing projects carried out and published by researchers at the DSMZ. The ecological and environmental relevance of these strains is given by their participation in nitrogen and carbon cycles (significant exoenzyme activity) within their particular habitat. The detailed documented metabolic and physiologic profile of each strain indicates their significant adaptation to the soils of different climates. Hence, these strains are important biotic components of their environment.
Besides the availability of these data sets within DiversityDescriptions, the detailed descriptions can also be retrieved from the BacDive - The Bacterial Diversity Metadatabase ( http://bacdive.dsmz.de) portal:

Blastocatella fastidiosa Fösel et al. 2013 A2_16 (-> http://bacdive.dsmz.de/index.php?site=search&rd=23454)
Aridibacter kavangonensis Huber et al. 2014 Ac_23_E3 (-> http://bacdive.dsmz.de/index.php?search=24777)
Aridibacter famidurans Huber et al. 2014 A22_HD_4H (-> http://bacdive.dsmz.de/index.php?site=search&rd=24776)
Edaphobacter aggregans Koch et al. 2008 emend. Dedysh et al. 2012 WBG 1 (-> http://bacdive.dsmz.de/index.php?site=search&rd=133)
Edaphobacter modestus Koch et al. 2008 JBG-1 (-> http://bacdive.dsmz.de/index.php?site=search&rd=132)

When using BacDive content please consider citing the following paper:

BacDive - the Bacterial Diversity Metadatabase
Söhngen C., Bunk B., Podstawka A., Gleim D., Overmann J.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 Jan 1;42(1):D592-9. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkt1058. Epub 2013 Nov 7.
PMID: 24214959


Project Archive hash Size Transfer Date Publication Date File Data format Identifier
DSMZbacdivedesc 6 7ccb479498e8227648... 31.7 kB 2020-06-22 2020-06-22 EML DOI: 10.25897/5/kk8s-7a12
DSMZbacdivedesc 5 109adfe71df93d1a4b... 33.0 kB 2020-06-22 2020-06-22 EML-SDD DOI: 10.25897/5/tyc9-k378


Aridibacter, Bacteria , Bacterial Strains, Bacteriology, Blastocatella, Edaphobacter, Isolations from Soil, Living Specimen , Microbiology, World


CC BY 4.0 Staatliche Naturwissenschaftliche Sammlungen Bayerns


Söhngen C., Bunk B., Podstawka A., Gleim D., Overmann J. (2014). BacDive - the Bacterial Diversity Metadatabase. Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 Jan 1;42(1):D592-9. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkt1058. Epub 2013 Nov 7. PMID: 24214959